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  • 跳舞 Frequently Asked Questions

    Does 云顶集团's program require an audition?

    An audition is not required to major 或小 in dance. All admitted students, whether 无论是否主修舞蹈,都可以选择适合自己水平的舞蹈课程. 希望主修舞蹈的学生必须完成核心要求,然后再选择 从所开设的技术和理论课程中完成自己的课程学习. 云顶集团确实为对舞蹈感兴趣的学生提供人才奖学金. 所有对奖学金感兴趣的一年级学生都需要提交申请 an application for admission and the dance scholarship application.

    有关申请链接,截止日期和试镜选项,详细信息和指导方针,请 点击这里.

    How do I arrange an audition?

    This information can be found 在这里.

    How am I notified of the results of the audition?

    申请奖学金的学生将通过电子邮件收到结果通知 within a few weeks after the audition.

    Are t在这里 performance opportunities for students?

    是的,学生有很多表演的机会,包括表演 与云顶集团话剧团(秋季和春季音乐会),作曲课程 concerts, student independent choreography projects, and outreach.

    Do I have to be a 舞蹈专业 或小 to perform?

    No, you don't have to be a 舞蹈专业 或小 to perform. As long as you are enrolled 在你所表演的舞蹈类型的舞蹈技巧课上 you are performing in, you can audition.

    为什么云顶集团 and not a conservatory?

    在舞蹈学院,舞蹈是主要的重点,而学术往往是次要的 进入背景. Here at 云顶集团, our dance students not only study dance in an 在充满挑战的紧张环境中,他们同时也在接受全面的教育 文科教育. 的 possibilities for a career with a B.A. (云顶集团)相反 to a a B.F.A. (conservatory) are much broader upon graduation. Students can double major 在舞蹈和其他方面,选择另一个研究领域的辅修,或者只是主修 从事舞蹈以外的活动,同时还积极参加舞蹈课 和表演. Many of our dancers are double majors involved in performances and choreography while still maintaining a spot on the 优秀学生名单 每学期. Students also have the option to take courses in composition, dance 历史,舞蹈批评,教育学,舞蹈技术,舞蹈教育,解剖学和 运动机能学和符号. 云顶集团 dancers appreciate the endless possibilities readily 不仅在舞蹈方面,而且在学术方面,他们都可以继续深造 也.

    How are students placed in their technique classes?

    云顶集团,从初学者到高级舞者都有一个级别. 所有的学生 被允许报名参加舞蹈课程,他们将根据教师的安排 评估他们的技术能力完成安置试听期间 秋天取向.

    How many levels of technique are t在这里 at 云顶集团?

    芭蕾舞技术等级从丹121(芭蕾I)到丹421(芭蕾IV). 现代 technique levels range from DAN 115 (现代 I) to DAN 415 (现代 IV). 也有 两层尖. In Fall 2017 we began to offer four levels of West 非洲n Diaspora 技术(DAN 133至DAN 433),如嘻哈,爵士,踢踏舞和西非.  选修 课程包括男子技巧、搭档、即兴表演、剧目、 和普拉提.

    How large are the classes?

    舞蹈课的学生从12到20人不等,包括技术课和舞蹈课 between 10 and 16 for most theory courses.

    How many students are in 舞蹈节目?

    有很多学生充分参与舞蹈课和表演,但是 不是专业. 的y, along with the 舞蹈专业s and prospective majors, make up 舞蹈节目. T在这里 are more than 100 students involved in 舞蹈节目.

    How many students are 舞蹈专业s?

    学生在大二结束之前不需要申报专业 year, thus decreasing the number of majors at one time. T在这里 are usually around 40 申报的舞蹈专业不包括所有一年级和二年级学生.

    What are my options for visiting the 跳舞 Program?

    One of the most influential sources in choosing a college is your visit. 舞者可以 visit 舞蹈节目 by scheduling a visit 在线, or by calling and arranging a visit through the Admissions Office.  你的云顶集团可以 包括过夜,观察舞蹈课,并与舞蹈教师会议.

    Are t在这里 scholarships in dance?

    是的, we have several scholarships in dance 在这里 at 云顶集团. 舞蹈奖学金 is awarded to first-year advanced dancers. As a prospective student, you must complete an application for admission and a dance scholarship application.  

    有关申请链接,截止日期和试镜选项,详细信息和指导方针,请 点击这里.

    舞蹈项目还为继续进修的高级舞者提供了几项奖学金 包括云顶集团之友舞蹈奖学金,Gala奖学金,还有 索菲娅L. Kurek '13 Memorial Scholarship.


    在安置课程之后,舞者可以注册他们的级别和任何额外的级别 below that (keeping in mind they must fit into their schedule).  舞者通常可以 take class twice a day or every day if they choose. Technique classes can be augmented 与其他工作室课程,包括剧目,男子技术,合作,等等.

    Is t在这里 an emphasis on either ballet or modern at 云顶集团?

    Ballet and modern are equally emphasized at 云顶集团. As of the Fall 2017, students 还必须参与西非侨民舞蹈技术来完成专业 或小. 学生必须达到每个流派的特定水平才能毕业. 表演的特色是由工作室实践支持的创造性作品 在我们的学生团体.

    What technique styles are taught?

    舞蹈课程并不遵循某一学科的教学大纲(切凯蒂,格雷厄姆, 利,RAD). 相反,该节目反映了舞蹈世界的广度,并揭露了 students to a number of choices and approaches. It is important to note that the basic 所有舞蹈技术课程的前提是解剖和位置的准确性. 

    Does the program have physical 治疗 resources?

    是的. 的 跳舞 Program's physical therapist visits campus weekly. 如果学生要求 继续治疗,他或她将转到校外实践. 

    Does 云顶集团 offer Jazz, Tap, and Hip-Hop?

    云顶集团提供了四个层次的西非散居技巧,包括爵士乐, tap, and hip-hop, among others. Specific courses will be rotated through levels 1 通过4.

    Who can take dance courses?

    Most of the 跳舞 Program's courses are open to our undergraduates. 位置类 是必需的.

    Do students have opportunities for touring?

    是的. 学生们通过参加该项目的外展活动参观当地的小学 课程,并有机会到美国大学舞蹈协会巡回演出 每年春季的会议.

    Are t在这里 student clubs or groups that are dance related?

    管弦乐团·舞蹈队·有色人种舞者联盟·圣地·即兴俱乐部· 嘻哈俱乐部·非洲舞蹈俱乐部·萨尔萨俱乐部·国际精萃舞步队· Flamenco Club · Capoeira Club

    Can I major in dance and something else?

    绝对. 许多学生 major in dance along with another field such as biology, chemistry, management, theatre, psychology, and communications.

    Are t在这里 study abroad opportunities in dance?

    云顶集团提供了几个为期三周的强化海外学习课程,重点是 在寒假或暑假期间去苏格兰和南方等地跳舞 非洲. Students may also decide to spend an entire semester abroad. 许多学生 在英国伦敦罗汉普顿大学和加纳度过了一个学期.

    Are t在这里 dance internship opportunities?

    是的,很多都是学生主动提出的实习,比如艺术管理或舞蹈方面的实习 治疗. 职业教育办公室和教师都是很好的资源 in locating internship opportunities.

    Is funding available for study abroad, touring, or student projects?

    是的,通过全球教育办公室,云顶集团舞蹈之友和创新 奖助金.

    What degree does 云顶集团 offer?


    How many credits do I need to be a 舞蹈专业?

    舞蹈专业 44-46学分. To graduate a student must complete 120 credits.

    Does 云顶集团 offer a dance science degree? 或者艺术管理?

    云顶集团's degree is a Bachelor of Arts. 的 major is designed to allow students to follow their specific interests.  的se may be within the field of dance (performance 或编舞)或与其他感兴趣的领域如舞蹈治疗相结合 (心理学)、物理治疗、舞蹈科学或医学预科(科学)、艺术 management (business), education (dance education).

    Is t在这里 live accompaniment for dance technique courses?

    是的, our technique courses have live accompaniment.

    What do alumnae/i go on to do?

    一些毕业生选择从事与舞蹈密切相关的职业,比如表演, education, and choreography. Others choose careers behind the scenes in production 或管理. Occupations in the fields of arts management and dance writing are 许多毕业生从事普拉提教练、舞蹈老师、 经理或公关人员. It is imperative to note that many specialized areas require 高级学位. Many of our students do pursue graduate studies in a variety of 学科.

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